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Friday, June 10, 2011

Get involved!

To celebrate the National Day of Service and Remembrance that commemorates Sept. 11th, a HUGE food drive for the Stanwood and Camano Island area is being organized that will run from Sept 12th through the 17th. In order to help as many people as possible all three local food banks will benefit from this drive; the Stanwood Food Bank, the Food Closet at Camano Chapel, and the Food Bank at the Warm Beach Community Church.

We are hoping to get as many businesses, churches and community organizations involved as possible.

If you would like to help, the following is a list of ways your group can get involved:

- Spread the word! Announce at your meetings, publish in your newsletters, and post on your web-sites.

-Volunteer to man one of the drop boxes at Haggen, QFC, or IGA. This simply involves handing out a wish list of items that the food banks have asked for to people as they enter the store. Also thanking them for their donation and smiling! This can be for an hour, or more depending on your schedule.

-Adopt an item or two from the wish list. Many items that the food banks need are hard to get donated because people don’t think about that particular item, or because it may be a bit more expensive.

-Have your own mini food drive between now and Sept. 17th. Challenge your group members to bring an item to every meeting, or have a little friendly competition as to who can bring in the most items. Winner gets to present your group’s donations at the weigh in on the 17th!

-Volunteer to help on Sept 17th for the weigh in and sort, if you have a pickup truck even better.

This will be publicized, before and after the event. All groups who participate will have their names included in press releases if they wish.
Check back to see a list of needs and a list of those organizations who are participating!

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